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Labels: Forex Software
Trading Strategy Tester for FOREX is a software simulator of Foreign Exchange Market - FOREX. It is an excellent instrument for studying trading in a fast and convenient way, to gain and improve trading skills without risking real money. Saving your time, taking away the necessity to wait hours and even days in real-time conditions for situation to turn out, it will open your eyes on market behaviour.
Labels: Forex Software
Here are ten things you must do and 10 things to avoid when
formulating and executing your forex trading strategy. If you want to
be successful at forex trading then read and understand the points
below there essential to achieve currency trading success
1. Don’t day trade
It doesn’t work! All short term volatility is random so you have no chance of winning longer term.
2. Don’t buy a Currency trading system with..
A hypothetical track record.These are done in hindsight knowing the closing prices so avoid them.
In forex trading its more difficult, you have to make money going
3. Don’t trade off news stories
News is discounted by the markets instantly and is impossible to trade so don’t try.
4. Don’t mix fundamentals and technical
There separate, you are either a technical or fundamental trader - you can’t combine both.
5. Don’t use scientific theories
The king of these is Elliot wave and it doesn’t work. It’s supposed to be objective but everything about it requires subjective judgement. If markets moved to a scientific theory we would all know the prices in advance and there would be no market!
6. Be Objective
Use objective criteria to execute trading signals. Avoid subjective theories (like Elliot wave mentioned above) or cycles, these are subjective and mean your emotions can get involved
7. Don’t chase your tail
Gets a currency trading system you are confident in and stick with it. Don’t chop and change it!
8. Don’t forget to place stops immediately
Always place it as soon as you have entered a trade. Never use a mental stop or you will be tempted to run losses.
9. Don’t have an ego
Many traders like to see that market as they want to and not as they really are. Leave you ego behind and accept the market price is the RIGHT price.
10. Don’t work to hard
Many forex traders think the more they put in the more they will get out. While this is true in many professions, it is not true in the forex markets – you only get rewarded for being right. Successful forex trading is all about working smart not hard.
Now ten things you must do:
1. Get a simple system you understand
Simple systems work best and you only need a few rules or indicators in
it. Don’t complicate it, the more rules and the more parameters, the
more likely it is to break or lose in trading.
2. Make sure you have confidence & discipline
Develop it yourself and you will get confidence that leads to
discipline. If you try and follow someone else’s system you will lack
both and fail.
3. Use a technical approach
Takes less time and also takes into account human psychology which moves all forex prices.
4. Be patient
Only execute your trading system in line with your trading signals and don’t be tempted to chase profits.
5. Always look for confirmation
Never hope a support or resistance level will hold, get the odds on your side by using momentum indicators to confirm first, this will dramatically increase the odds of success.
6. Ignore others
Trade in isolation and ignore others. Don’t discuss what you are doing, this will keep your emotions out of your trading.
7. Have goals & a plan
Have a realistic plan and profit goals. Sure people get rich overnight
but their a minority! If you can make 50 – 100% per annum your up there with the best traders.
8. Take risks
Forget restricting risk to much, when you see an opportunity go for it
and take calculated risks this is not being rash, it’s the reality of trading FX.
9. Know your edge
If you don’t know your edge i.e. why you should win at forex trading
while 95% lose you don’t have one so you will be joining them! Get the right forex education and know your edge before you begin.
10. Enjoy what you do
If you sweat about positions, feel edgy, or worry about trading it’s
not for you. You should view trading as enjoyable and a challenge, if
you don’t forget it and do something else.
We have expanded on all the points in our other articles so check them out.
Keep in mind forex trading is not easy very few win and most lose. The good news is, if you understand and apply the above, you could soon be making big forex profits.
Labels: Forex Basic, Forex Tips
Simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another is the
basic concept behind the forex market. Foreign currency market is the
largest financial market of the world with a potential of $1.9 trillion
daily. Without any central market and central currency forex trading
market is said to be the most liquid market all over the world. It
operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and
individuals trading one currency for another, spanning from one zone to
another across the major financial centers.
Open Your Foreign Currency Account:
Management of a foreign currency account is similar not as like as
maintaining a current account. There are several banks offering foreign
currency accounts. The procedure, eligibility criteria and the
processing charges differ from bank to bank. There are simple steps
towards opening a foreign currency account - Gather all the information
about foreign currency account, complete application forms have your
application processed and start banking
Types of Foreign Currency Accounts:
There are primarily two types of foreign currency accounts, Customer
Foreign Currency (CFC) Accounts and Foreign Currency Accounts (FCA) for
individuals. Both of them eliminate the necessity of conversion upon
receiving money from overseas and can be used to meet short-term
requirement for cash. The interest is calculated on a daily basis on
the balance amount.
Advantages of the Forex Market over other types of investments
The Forex or Foreign Currency Market is relatively new as compared to
the other investment plans. Forex trading is said to be volatile and
most liquid market. It has many advantages over other types of
investments. Some advantages of the currency trading over other forms
investment plans are as follows:
• The Forex market is accessible 24X7 any where. There is no fear of
closing the market at the end of the day. If you have access to a
computer trading is possible anytime and anywhere.
• Almost every investment requires a substantial amount of capital
before one can take advantage of an investment opportunity but for
currency trading only small amount of capital is needed. For trading
with a mini account only $300 USD is required.
• The Forex market is very liquid as compared to other investment
markets. Trading with the currencies you have full control of your
• Often investments require holding capital for long periods of time.
So if you need to use the capital there will be a huge loss.
About the author:
Forex is the largest market place of Currency trading. While currency trading in Forex
Market or dwelling over currency market, one should mull over the
present scenario and future prospects of the country, currency of which
he is trading.
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Basic
Forex trading courses on DVDs, offered by professional traders help
you in understanding the exciting marketplace of forex. As for learning
a language, you need to master the basics, to trade forex you must know
the basics of trading.
A forex trading course on DVD is an exciting learning tool which is
preferred over text based tutorials or conventional books because of
the dynamic features it offers. Learning forex currency trading is easy
when you have a good forex trading course on DVD with you. Forex
trading course on DVD outlines the advantages of forex trading and
provides insight into how to get started.
Most of the forex trading courses on DVDs have extensive tutorial
library with video tutorials, which you can play as many times you
want. You can plan your leaning sessions according to your convenience.
For online DVD courses, you can access the site according to your free
time. Forex Trading Courses on DVDs help you to start trading
It is a step-by-step learning process. You can start trading with as
low as $300 account. The DVD course may offer you free subscription to
some online brokers who facilitate your transition from a part-time to
a full-time trader.
Home based Forex trading courses on DVDs are easy to understand and
does not require any special skill or educational background. These
DVDs are with colorful three-dimensional charts, bars, and other modes
of graphical representations with audio support and therefore
interesting and interactive.
The courses introduce you to all the essential aspects of foreign
exchange in an easy-to-understand manner and you can learn them with
your own learning pace and curve. It may take 5-10 days to learn the
basics of trading.
Forex trading courses are available for learners at different levels.
There are courses for beginners, mid-level, or experts. You can choose
your module accordingly. It also introduces you to different methods of
fundamental and technical analysis.
A typical forex trading courses include DVDs with live instructions,
CDs with core system strategies, audio and video manual, library of
video tutorials, member forum, daily video trading examples, trading
tips from other members, common questions and answers, and tele-support
for first few months.
Before buying a forex trading courses on DVD, look for features like:
About the author:
To find out more about how you can learn to trade currencies visit Forex Trading Courses on DVD
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Course
The forex tips below are all easy to do and all will help you
achieve one aim increasing your overall profitability. So here are 5
forex tips for greater profits.
1. Use the Weekly Chart
I am amazed that most traders never bother looking at weekly charts but
if you want to separate out “the wood from the trees” the weekly chart
gives you a much clearer perspective.
The big trends are clearly visible on the weekly chart and if you are
long term trend follower, start with this chart first and you will have
a clearer view of support and resistance levels and entry points.
2. Cut Your Trading Frequency
This Forex tip addresses a major problem that most novice traders have – they trade too much.
They think they have to be in the market all the time and chase profits
but the fact is, if you cut your trading frequency, you stand a better
chance of success. Keep in mind; you only get paid for being right in
forex trading - NOT for your effort and how often you trade!
By cutting your trading back, you can concentrate only on the high
reward, high odds trades which give the best potential profits.I know
traders who only trade a few times a year yet - they make between 120 –
430%! Annually.
Their simply trading the cream of the trades and ignoring the low odds, high risk ones and there are plenty of those.
If you cut your trading, you will probably see your profits soar.
3. Risk More Per Trade
This is directly related to the above point.
If you have a high odds trade take this tip and risk more.
You will read a lot of nonsense on the net about risking 2% per trade and no more.
Well, that’s fine if you are trading 100k but if you’re a small potato trader, trading 10k or less, that’s a maximum of $200!
If you have a small account you need to load up and risk 10 -20% on the
high odds trades. Keep in mind if you don’t risk much you won’t make
To make meaningful gains you have to take risks – if you don’t like taking risks don’t trade forex.
4. Don’t Diversify
If you are trading a small account don’t diversify!
You need to load up as we have said above and concentrate on one trade only.
Diversification is simply another word for diluting profit potential and is something a small trader should not engage in.
5. Use an Account Profit Target
What s a realistic target to make per annum in forex trading?
You may have your own ideas - but if you made 100% that puts you up there with the best fund managers in the world.
You will often see people look at risk per trade but looking at your
account overall and using a profit target is highly effective.
You will often see trades that give you big profits in short periods of
time and if they are a substantial – i.e. more than 25% of your 100%
bank them.
Have a break and start again.
If you hit your profit target for the year early - decide whether you
should trade again at all or at the very least give yourself a deserved
The tips above are really saying:
Focus only on the best trades with the best odds, load them up and have
a target -if you do the above, chances are you will make bigger profits.
About the author:
NEW! FREE Trader PDF'S - Forex Newsletters and Alerts
On all aspects of becoming a profitable trader including: Free, weekly and daily newsletters, and some essential FREE FOREX Trading PDF's visit our website at:
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Tips
Enclosed you will find a simple equation on market movement that can
lead you to forex trading success. Most traders don't understand it and
that's why they lose their equity, so here is the equation for forex
trading success.
It's a very simple equation and we will look at it in more detail in
this article for now here is the equation for forex trading success.
Fundamentals instantly Discounted (Supply and Demand) + Investor Psychology (view of the facts) = Price Movement.
The first point to keep firmly in mind is that you won't enjoy forex trading success if you try and trade the fundamentals.
Because news is instantly discounted and in our world of instant
communications and its available in all corners of the globe at the
click of a mouse. Furthermore, the facts and news is not important it's
the way the participants view them.
We all have the same facts to look at but we draw our own conclusions based upon our emotions as well as our logic.
The news is stories and should and cannot be traded. Will Rogers once
said "I only believe what I read in the papers" he was joking but
compare this with the huge number of people who take a story on
Bloomberg or Reuters as gospel.
The fact is the fundamentals are most bullish at market tops and most
bearish at market bottoms. This is human psychology at work. If you
want to enjoy forex trading success you need to be able to trade taking
this into account.
A way you should not trade! - Is to try and predict.
Firstly, markets are NOT scientific because humans are not and they decide the price.
There are plenty of vendors selling systems that tell you that you can
predict but you can't. If markets were scientific we would all know the
price in advance and there would be no market.
Others traders don't use scientific methods but think they have to
predict to win but another word for this is - guessing. If you guess
you're hoping and the forex markets will kill you.
The way to trade is to act on the reality of price and trade on
confirmation. If you want to win you shouldn't just assume a support
level will hold - watch it hold and trade the reality.
The equation we are looking at in this article is really one that you can trade using forex charts.
Forex charts simply assume that as the fundamentals are instantly
discounted in price action. All you need to do is follow the price
So with no study and trying to work out where the fundamentals may send
prices, you simply just watch the reality i.e where they are and not
question why.
Forex charts do something more though:
They show you how the participants perceive prices and they reflect the
human psychology. While humans don't conform to scientific theory,
human nature is constant and this shows up in repetitive price
It's a fact that prices spike away to far from the fundamentals due to
investor psychology and these price spikes, driven by greed and fear,
are easy to spot and tradable.
Trading the odds
When you are trading with forex charts, you are simply aiming to trade high odds scenario's.
Sure you will lose trades but if you play the odds correctly, you will win more than you lose and enjoy forex trading success.
The advantage of forex charts if used correctly is:
You don't guess, hope or predict you work on the assumption that the
market price is always right and trade the reality. The forex chartist,
doesn't care which way markets move or why, they just want to make
profits when they do.
The equation we have looked at here is vital for any trader to learn
and digest - if you do you will see the right way to trade currencies
and enjoy forex trading success.
About the author:
On all aspects of becoming a profitable trader including: Free critical trader PDFS, and more FREE Forex Education visit our website at:
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Tips
Many traders are right about market direction but simply put their
stops in the wrong place and clipped out the trade and then watch as it
goes onto make thousands of dollars and their not in! Placing stops is
as important as picking trade direction in terms of making Profits.
Risk and Trading.
Most traders try so hard to restrict risk they actually create it. A
great example of this is forex day trading where you have tight stops
by predicting the daily range.
Te problem is all movements within a day are random and the apparent
small risk is a guaranteed lose as volatility is random and takes them
There is a big industry in telling you that forex can be traded safely
– Rubbish! It’s risky and if you don’t like taking calculated risks put
your money in a high interest account.
To make big returns, you have to take risk that’s simply the reality of trading.
Placing Stops
Place stops behind heavy valid resistance or support – that means if
they trade recoils back you may be out but your stop is in a logical
area. Another point to keep in mind is to use a stop close ( I use New
York stock exchange times ) this means that you have more chance of
winning it may look more risky but longer term its not.
How often do you see stops picked off in the day session for the market
to settle back the way you thought? It happens often so don’t do what
the majority do run a stop close if you can keep an eye on the market.
Moving stops
Beware of moving stops to closely – if you try and lock into quickly
you will get taken out by normal volatility. Hold your stop back and
make sure you have the discipline to take dips in open equity and keep
your eye on the bigger prize. Accept that you’re never going to sell
the top and buy the bottom, but if you get 70% of the big trends you
will pile up profits.
Be selective
Only trade those trades that have high odds chance of winning forget
trading frequently you don’t get paid for that you get paid for being
RIGHT and that’s all.
If you are selective you can risk more on these trades and give
yourself a bigger chance of winning. Never fall for the risk reward of
trade is your profit target, your stop – its NOT.
This is just your view and bears no relation to the trade’s outcome.
Don’t Diversify
If you have a big account fair enough but if you have a small account
diversification simply dilutes your profit potential and ensures you
make mediocre gains. On a small account load the trade and risk as much
as you can.
Be realistic
There is a big difference between taking calculated risks and being
rash. Do not over leverage your trades. Keep in mind the best traders
in the world make 100% and if you made that to then you would compound
a lot of money over time. Don’t go for broke and get blown out.
Money management and stop loss placement is all about trading the high
odds trades at the right time, placing stops and trailing them
logically not to get taken out by volatility and loading the trades
with the best potential.
If you do the above you will have a simple way of taking calculated
risks and getting handsome returns and that’s what Forex trading is all
About the author:
For free trading guides and an exclusive Forex Trading Course visit our website at:
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Basic
The credit card industry has become a favorite punching bag for
consumer groups and lawmakers, who accuse the card issuers of doing
everything in their power to raise rates, charge new (and hidden) fees
and punish card holders with unjust policies.
The Federal Reserve Board has taken notice. It's proposed requiring
issuers to disclose clearer information about rates and fees and 45
days' (instead of 15 days') notice before they could raise rates.
Congress has stepped in, proposing bills to restrain some of the more
widely criticized policies.
The credit card industry says it welcomes better disclosure but opposes
curbs on its ability to raise fees or rates or change policies.
Consumers have yet to see any significant easing of fees and rates that
have sparked outrage.
The credit card industry has entered a quiet period since Congress set
its sights on credit card practices. Still, late fees and
over-the-limit fees have remained steady across the board.
The credit card industry is open to the idea of making policies easier
to understand. But card issuers oppose any steps that would restrict
In its defense, the credit card industry contends that credit cards are
fairer now than before 1990, when most issuers charged a fixed rate of
about 20%. "There was less access to credit in America and higher
interest rates," says Ken Clayton of the American Bankers Association.
"Now, some 75% of American families have credit cards at lower interest
rates. And the ability to measure risk has allowed us to target various
markets that in the past may have not had access to credit."
Many consumers argue, though, that credit card disclosures are
confusing and that so many penalty rates and fees can apply, it's hard
to know how to avoid them.
About the author:
For more resources about accept credit card or about accept credit card merchant account and especially about accept credit card online please review these pages.
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Course
If you are active into foreign exchange trading, you should never
hesitate to subscribe to the forex signals services provided by Forex
Online Signals. Because the overall currency market is always volatile
with the numerous surprising turns of events globally, there is a need
for you to always monitor the latest market currency movements and
analyze the occurrences for longer-term strategies.
Visit the company's Website at http://www.forexonlinesignals.com/ and
see how Forex Online Signals could be of help to you. The online site
is a one-stop shop where you could find and subscribe to every currency
signals you will need to make your foreign exchange operations truly
Forex Online Signals offers the most comprehensive and fastest forex
trading signals. When news happens and there is an imminent impact to
major currencies, expect that the company would be quick to analyze and
relay that analysis to you. During these days, the most notable
economic news can be of great relevance if taken and coursed instantly
and abruptly.
What is most notable about Forex Online Signals is its system of alert
provisions. Buying and selling actions applicable to foreign exchange
trading is clear. For recommended entry into a trading, there is the
entry level signal. 'Target' is used to refer to the profit taking
activity while 'Stop' means there is a recommendation to stop loss.
In the buying transaction, entry means there is a recommendation to get
into a currency. Target means there is an opportunity to buy more
because there is an imminent profit taking chance coming in the near
term. Stop refers to the action when the trader should stop buying
because that is expected to incur losses. In the selling transactions,
entry level means there is no need for specific action yet. Target
would be read as a signal to take profit by selling currencies
immediately to underpin opportunistic exchange rates, while Stop means
there is a need to stop selling in the interim because doing so would
mean incurrence of losses.
Forex Online Signals has mastered that trading alert function. When
there is a reason to be concerned, the signal system is there to
immediately post its subscribers. Online users and current clients
attest that their foreign exchange trading actions are profitable and
lucrative due to the signals and alert system.
A signal is more like a warning or a form of recommendation. Of course,
as a trader, it in your discretion if you would follow a forex signals.
Usually, such endorsements and warnings are accurate and are very much
helpful. The signal is provided to every subscriber every trading day.
On the average, you would be notified twice or you would receive
helpful signals at least twice throughout the trading day.
What is good about Forex Online Signals is that it covers all six major
global currencies, including the US, Canadian and Australian dollars,
the Japanese yen, the Euro and the British pound. If you are budget
conscious and wants total efficiency and relevance, you could subscribe
to signals covering only the currencies you need and like. That would
save you from further costs and the inconvenience of having confusion
about rates.
The best thing about the service is that Forex Online Signals make sure
you will receive the signals when you need it anywhere you are. You
could choose to designate where you would receive the trading signals.
Whether you want to receive the recommendations and warnings via email
or through your wireless phone in the form of short message system text
is up to you. The company is capable of disseminating information
through the most convenient and easily accessible media to the clients.
Make your foreign exchange business work wonders. Subscribe to the
forex trading signals provided by Forex Online Signals and watch how
your business maximize profits. Who says currency trading is tedious
and time demanding? With Forex Online Signals, basic information
pertinent to your business decision making is made very accessible.
About the author:
Forex Signals from Forex Online Signals. Brows online resource for Forex trading signals
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Basic
It has been declared by several economics and finance luminaries
that the euro could very well be the next main currency reserve,
toppling the US dollar from its revered position. No less than former
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Nobel Prize winner Robert
Mundell have said that the unified monetary unit of the European Union
could pose a serious challenge to the US currency.
The concept of an economic and monetary union for European countries
has been in the works since the 1950s. The euro itself was conceived in
1992 through the Maastricht Treaty and was adopted as official currency
of 11 countries in 1999. Two years later, the euro entered circulation
in the financial systems of Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, and
Today, the EU currency is gaining ground as a major international
currency after less than a decade of existence. It is involved in about
37 percent of transactions in the foreign exchange markets and is the
second most commonly held reserve currency after the US dollar, making
up one-fourth of the global reserves. It is believed that the euro
inherited its strength from the German Deutsche mark, which also
occupied a similar position after World War II.
The euro proves to be much greater than its predecessor though as it
edges into becoming a major currency in the oil trade. For the longest
time, oil has been exclusively traded in US dollars. Although the euro
and yen have been gradually gaining access, the oil trade is still
primarily dominated by the American currency. Speculations place oil
sales in euro at 30 to 40 percent.
One of the technical difficulties involved in establishing a
euro-denominated oil trading system is the absence of a standard
pricing system or a euro-based oil marker. So far, the three oil
markers in the industry namely West Texas Intermediate, Norway Brent,
and the UAE Dubai crude are all dollar-denominated.
In 2005, it was reported that Iran was planning to put up an oil bourse
that would trade petroleum, petrochemicals, and gas in non-dollar
currencies, particularly the euro. This would establish a fourth oil
marker that would pave the way for a euro-denominated trading system.
Several dates have been set for the opening of the bourse but the
launch itself has been postponed repeatedly. Iran has pushed ahead with
its currency reserve diversification though and has accepted the euro
and the Japanese yen as payments for its oil exports.
As of now, the euro remains strong in the forex market since it started
appreciating in 2000. It has not fallen below parity with the dollar
since 2002 although this can be credited to the intrinsic depreciation
of the US currency. It also helps that the European Central Bank (ECB)
is adamant on increasing interest rates to counter inflation.
The relative strength of the euro has caused fears of a decrease in
European exports as US goods become cheaper and thus, more attractive.
There have been official complaints and calls for the US to do
something about the falling the dollar but the ECB itself currently
shows no signs of cutting interest rates to offset the euro's exchange
Meanwhile, the euro nations or Eurozone has increased since 2001. In
January 2007, Slovenia joined the Eurozone and on 2008, Malta and
Cyprus are set to follow suit. Other East European countries are also
aiming to adopt the euro as official currency but are still struggling
to meet the standards for membership.
About the author:
Kristien Wilkinson is an online writer and contributor to http://www.forexmarkets.com
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Course
Forex is a potential platform for earning substantial profit. And,
why not? It is the largest trading market of the world having an
average daily trade of US$ 2 trillion and above. The market is known
for its high scale trading volume and extreme liquidity. Add to this,
forex trading can be done from anywhere of the world. This has been
further backed up by World Wide Web through which a trader can trade in
the forex market at the comfort of your own home. A few advantages of
online forex trading are mentioned below:
The greatest advantage tagged with online forex trading or online
currency trading is of course its real time accessibility. Today just
with a single click, a trader of forex market can access online forex
firms and brokers. They offer real time forex quotes, charts and
transaction details after meticulous observation and analysis. With
such a help, a trader can easily remain aware about every latest
occurring of the forex market.
Online currency trading or online forex trading is again beneficial for
its ease of use and accessibility. What you need to have is a computer
with access to internet. Without getting out of your doors, you can
analyze the market and decide every trading agreement. However before
trading, you need to have a clear concept about the market, its basics
and trading secrets.
To get the basics of forex trading, online method is again the best
option available for you. Innumerable tutorial programs regarding
online currency trading are available online which are generally run by
online forex firms. With access to such programs, you can remain up to
date about the market as well as understand the basics and secrets of
the forex market. Several forex firms specializing in online currency
trading provide live forex help. These programs are run by expert forex
traders and teachers. Thus, getting help for your question regarding
forex market is never a tedious task as long as online forex trading
classes and tutorial programs are available at your disposal.
Online forex trading is again beneficial for it helps you to perform
complex analysis without mistakes. With access to your computer; you
can solve complex charting, sort out details of each trading agreement
minutely. Add to this, you have several forex trading tools available
online. These tools offer quick assistance for trading in volumes. This
is indeed a blessing for newcomer, who often finds it tedious to track
down the facts and figures of forex market and trading agreement.
Thus, online forex trading or online currency trading is marked with
several advantages. Here, you can obtain every latest happening of the
forex market, get free tutorials from masters, access tools and
techniques for a winning forex trading; all these at the comfort of
your own home. The advent of World Wide Web has fine-tuned the whole
process of forex trading.
About the author:
Forex is the largest market place of Online Forex Trading . While currency trading in Forex Market
or dwelling over currency market, one should mull over the present
scenario and future prospects of the country, currency of which he is
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
Powered by ScribeFire.
Labels: Forex Basic
Forex trading has gained tremendously in interest and popularity in
recent years mostly due to the introduction of automatic and automated
forex trading systems. The market that was open to banks and similar
big financial institutions is now luring medium and even small
Forex market is the place where currency of one country is traded for
currency of another country. These trades happen round the clock with
transactions of billions or perhaps trillion of dollars everyday,
making it one of the largest and most active financial markets.
With the advent of the internet, network, communication technologies,
and sophisticated automated forex trading systems, participating in the
forex market is now open to virtually anyone having a computer, an
internet connection, a forex brokerage account and a good trading
But staying on top of a forex position requires constant monitoring, as
this global market is practically open round the clock. Automatic and
automated forex trading systems is a tool that lets you specify a
currency, an asking price, and a selling price beforehand. With a small
seed amount and with the help of a broker, your purchase and sell
orders will be executed instantly.
An automatic and automated forex trading system allows you to benefit
from the profitability of the forex market without having to become an
expert in trading. In automated trading through managed accounts, the
trading program or human experts executes the trades for you.
With a reliable auto trading platform, you are not required to do the
actual trading yourself and therefore you save your time. And if you
can watch the market constantly, you can mange multiple accounts from
your trading platforms, simultaneously, which was never possible with
manual trading. Automated forex trading systems present advantage of
trading multiple systems and multiple markets.
An automatic and automated forex trading allow your trades to be made
at any time of the day or night, regardless of your presence. You do
not miss a single profitable trade even if you are not present in front
of your computer terminal.
An automatic and automated forex trading helps you in taking advantage
of multiple forex strategies and different systems. Because different
systems are designed to be triggered by different trade indicators, you
can diversify your investment as well as your risk.
An automatic and automated forex trading also eliminates human emotions
and psychology that can often affect proper and profitable trading
decisions. With an automatic and automated forex trading system, you
will be capable of monitoring many currency pairs at a time and you can
follow and execute all of them.
But, even with automatic forex trading systems, you will have to learn
the basics of the forex trading, methods of fundamental and technical
analysis, market indicators, etc. for enjoying consistent profits.
Just being automated, the trading system never guarantees you success
as the market is influenced by many variables and parameters. The forex
automated system is not just mechanical, but is fully programmable and
you can customize them according to your needs.
About the author:
To learn how to automate your Forex trading visit Automated Forex Trading Software
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Labels: Forex Software
The trading software is one of the more overlooked aspects of
trading Forex online. For those who are not familiar with the Forex
market, it is extremely fast-paced and volatile. That is why all
brokers claim that their software offers the minimum latency in
providing real-market updates. Unfortunately, this is a very generous
statement and it does not take into account the client's internet
connection or his geographic location.
The client's connection to the web is obviously the most important
factor regarding receiving real-market updates from the broker. It
really should be the best connection that one can afford, whether it is
cable, satellite or ISDN. Cable is the preferred connection, as it is
more secure and offers greater bandwidth.
And then there is geography. It is common sense that Broker X who is
located in Toronto can establish contact with Client A located in
Montreal much faster than Client B, who is located all the way down in
Mexico City. The fact is that all internet connections are affected by
distance. The farther a client is away from his broker, the more delay
he will receive as a result because of the physical limitations imposed
on wiring. Thus, always research your broker's geographic location
before selecting it as the right one for you. For best results, always
choose a broker who is closer to you.
Any decent broker will offer its trading software for free. Some will
even offer different versions of its software for traders of different
skill levels. Usually, "advanced" versions loaded with extra features
are available for free to those who request them.
Trading software comes in two flavours- web based and client based
software. If your broker offers both kinds, great! Each has its own
advantages, but it is the general consensus that web-based software is
Web based software operates completely on the broker's server and is
interfaced through a web browser like Internet Explorer or Mozilla
Firefox. This creates a lot of flexibility for the client, as he can
access his Forex account anywhere providing he has access to an ISP and
a browser. Security with web based software is not an issue, as all
exchanges between the client and the broker take place over secured
sockets and are heavily encrypted.
Client-based software is downloaded onto the computer and executed from
there. It is faster and more convenient to access, and is more "homely"
in the sense that it will blend into your desktop environment. However
because client based software resides on your computer and stores
sensitive information like name and passwords locally, it is very
vulnerable to hackers. If they managed to sneak pass your firewall
through Trojans or some other backdoor virus, they can do great harm to
your bank account.
If you are just starting off with Forex, be sure to take these factors
into consideration when selecting the best broker. Analyse the features
of the provided software to make sure that they're right for you. So
with all that said, good luck and happy trading!
About the author:
Ian Shell
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
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Labels: Forex Software
The trading market has numerous brokers for you to choose from; but
you should be aware that you have to keep some things in mind in order
to choose the man you really need. The chosen broker should be able to
help you deal with all the Forex courses and he can also teach you more
about the existing currency. Therefore, you have to choose a broker who
has lower spreads; this spread is the right difference between the
price a currency can be sold at and the price that is used in order to
buy the currency. The Forex Brokers are not likely to charge any
commission because the difference between the two prices will become
their profit. They make their money thanks to the existence of this
difference. So, the difference has to be lower in order for you to take
advantage of it.
Every client should make sure that the broker he has chosen is backed
by a well known and reliable financial institute. The Forex Brokers and
the Forex courses are likely to be affiliated with different large
banks. Even the lending institutes can be used instead of the usual
banks because they can assure the huge amount of leverage. Banks are
used thanks their ability to provide the required capital. Every broker
should be registered with the so-called Futures Commission Merchants;
he also has to be regulated by a trading commission. All the necessary
information should be available on the broker’s official website. The
information can also be provided by his parent institution in order for
the client to properly choose the broker he really needs.
The broker must provide his client with all the information he needs;
the research and even the market tools are also to be provided by the
broker. Every Forex broker is likely to offer many trading platforms to
each of his clients. These platforms are usually updated and they will
include the technical analysis tools, trading data, real-time news and
real-time trading charts; the broker will provide his client with the
necessary and technical commentaries. Economic calendars and
professional research information will also be provided in order for
the client to understand the benefits and demands of the existing
trading market.
The broker should be able to offer a quite wide range when it comes to
leverage options; the leverage stands for the money that are lent by
the broker in order to help his client trade on the market. This
leverage is usually expressed as a special ratio when it comes to the
entire capital. The leverage is necessary on the trading market because
the prices are likely to deviate quite often. These price deviations
are to be considered as the real sources of future benefits. But these
price deviations are small, namely they can reach a fraction of the
cent. A lower leverage stands for lower risks when it comes to the
margin call. A lower profit will come as the direct consequence of
these lower risks. So, the client should be aware that there is a huge
variety of different leverage options; he has to learn how to choose
the proper leverage option because his choice may actually allow him to
vary all the risks he is about to take. He will decide his future
benefits according to the leverage option he chooses.
The client must make sure that his broker is offering him all the
services and tools that are required by the capital that is about to be
invested; the broker should consider your capital and the amount of
money that you will invest in order to offer you the proper type of
account. There are many types of bank accounts that can be used in each
situation and the broker has to be able to decide which of these
accounts will be used. The smallest account is considered as the mini
account; this mini account will require a minimum amount of money but
will offer a quite high degree of leverage. This leverage will be
needed in order for the client to make money with his small initial
capital. There is also the standard account that can let the client
trade different leverages; but the minimum capital requires a larger
amount of money. The client can even choose the premium account
according to the Forex courses but this account is likely to require a
significant initial capital. The client will be allowed to use
additional tools and services in order to benefit from his transactions
on the trading market.
Every client should protect himself from hunting and sniping; the
broker can actually buy or even sell near preset points in order to
increase the profits. The client should not expect his broker to openly
admit this transaction; there are no organizations or even black lists
that are stating the existence of this phenomenon. Such activity has
never been reported but it exists and the only way you can check it is
to talk to other brokers in order to have a clue about what is really
going on. The strict margin rules are always to be followed because
trading with foreign and borrowed money can be quite risky; the Forex
Brokers should be able to tell you more about the risks you are going
to take when entering the trading market in order to sign the necessary
margin agreement that allows you to open the required account.
About the author:
The Forex Brokers should provide their clients with all the necessary research and tools in order to make them understand the Forex courses
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
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Labels: Forex Course
If you are thinking of buying a currency trading system, then you
will find that well over 95% of systems sold have great track record -
but lose in real time trading. The reason is curve fitting - so if you
want to find one that works, learn what it is and how to spot it.
I would say that of the currency systems sold on the net, most are
curve fitted on purpose, to allow the vendor to show a profit so they
can sell the system - if you don't know what it is then you will lose.
Forget the track record you see, in most cases that's not what you're going to get!
Curve fitting in simple terms means optimizing the system to fit the data.
A trader I know once likened this to shooting at a barn door and then
afterwards, drawing a bulls-eye around everyone, to make them look like
a bulls-eye!
In currency trading a system vendor will simply find his system doesn't
work on a segment of data, so he makes it work and bends the system
(curve fits it) until it does.
The clue to a curve fitted system is:
Lots of rules and parameters, different rules for different types of
market and different ways of trading individual currencies.
If you see a track record that shows extra ordinary profits with low drawdown it's probably curve fitted.
Many vendors don't realise that the more they bend the system to fit
the data the more likely it is to collapse in real time trading.
No one bit of data is going to replicate itself exactly again.
If a currency trading system is soundly based, it should work across
all markets and use the same rules all the time and be simple with few
rules and parameters.
As long as a vendor puts this disclaimer on he is free to present any track record he likes here is the standard CFTC one:
"Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain
limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do
not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been
executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the
impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity.
Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that
they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is
being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or
losses similar to those show".
This allows un-scrupulous vendors to present any gains they like and they do!
They know that the system wont work but they know that the naive trader
will fall for a track record of gains. The vendor makes a profit and
the trader has a guaranteed loss!
Lets face it anyone can make a profit in hindsight but the problem is that we need to trade without knowing the data.
If you buy a currency trading system look for the evidence of curve fitting.
The majority of systems use it whether it's done on purpose or in error.
Stick with simple systems which are easy to understand, where the logic
is fully revealed - or even better, insist on some evidence the system
works, by asking for a real time track record over at least two years.
About the author:
For free 2 x trading Pdf's with 90 of pages of essential info and an exclusive Forex Trading Course visit our website at:
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
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Labels: Forex Basic
Labels: Forex Course
Labels: Forex Basic, Forex Course
Labels: Forex Basic, Forex Course
Labels: Forex Tips
Labels: Forex Tips
Labels: Forex Course
Labels: Forex Basic
Labels: Forex Basic
Labels: Forex Basic
Forex Tips, Forex, Forex Course, Forex Article, Basic Forex, Online Forex, Software Forex